Quakers of DeLand
Banned Book Drive
For the last three years, the DeLand Quakers have given away hundreds of books that may be banned or difficult for students to obtain at school.
Our Banned Book Drive begins each year with our Banned Book Giveaway held during Martin Luther King Day celebrations. It continues at other Giveaways through Juneteenth and other opportunities that may arise throughout the year.
We are seeking donations to add to our collection. You can support this effort by sending us books for readers 8 years of age and up, and touching on one or more of the following topics:
Authors of African Descendant
Authors from the LGBTQ+ Community
History and other genres related to:
African Descendants
Indigenous Peoples
LGBTQ+ Persons
The books can be either fiction or non-fiction; new or used.
Where to look?
Your bookshelf and those of your friends
Your favorite used book retailer, either online or a brick-and-mortar store
thrift stores, library sales, and yard sales.
You can also purchase books from Amazon using our link:
Donations for book purchases can be sent to:
Quakers of DeLand
Banned Book Drive
c/o Jim Cain
1193 Private Road
DeLand, Florida 32720
Be sure to specify “For Book Giveaway Purchases”
With your help, we can ensure that local Florida children will have access to books about Black history and culture, now scarce in local public schools and libraries. To foster awareness and understanding, it is important for all students to be informed about these important topics excluded from their public school curriculum.
More information? Email us at: delandquakers@gmail.com